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A Historic Day Of Pageantry

King Charles III and Queen Camilla Crowned

A Historic Day of Pageantry

May 6, 2023

On May 6, 2023, King Charles III and Queen Camilla were crowned in a historic ceremony at Westminster Abbey. The coronation was a day of great pageantry and celebration, with members of the Royal Family and dignitaries from around the world in attendance.

The ceremony began with King Charles and Queen Camilla arriving at the abbey in the Gold State Coach. They were greeted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who led them into the abbey. The coronation service then began, with the Archbishop placing the St Edward's Crown on King Charles's head. Queen Camilla was also crowned, with the Archbishop placing the St Edward's Crown on her head.

After the coronation, King Charles and Queen Camilla processed through the streets of London in the Gold State Coach. They were greeted by cheering crowds, who waved flags and shouted "God save the King!" and "God save the Queen!"

The coronation was a historic day for the United Kingdom. It was the first coronation of a British monarch since 1953, when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned. The coronation was also a celebration of King Charles III and Queen Camilla's love and commitment to each other and to the country.
